Press Room

Coronavirus prevention at ONT

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Airport officials urge travelers to follow CDC guidance and take reasonable precautions to avoid getting sick

(Ontario, California – February 27, 2020) As Southern California’s newest aviation gateway and America’s fastest growing airport, Ontario International Airport (ONT) regularly reviews practices and procedures in order to provide a positive, stress-free experience for Ontario customers, as well those who work in the airport.

Like others at all levels of government, our leaders are actively monitoring matters regarding the new coronavirus and its potential to impact air travel, working closely with our Federal security partners to screen arriving domestic and international passengers for signs of potential coronavirus infection.

Importantly, our customers and employees should be guided by health-related information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The most up to date information regarding the coronavirus is available here.

For our part, we at ONT have made improvements in our facilities and adjusted our practices that will benefit travelers by keeping airport washrooms and other public areas of our passenger terminals clean and reducing the potential for germs to spread. For example, we have:

  • Incorporated new passenger screening trays treated with powerful antimicrobial technology to inhibit the growth of bacteria on the surface of the bins used by travelers at the TSA checkpoints in ONT’s terminals. ONT was the first U.S. airport to receive the new trays from SecurityPoint Media in partnership with Microban International.
  • Increased the frequency and intensity of efforts to disinfect washrooms and other public areas with cleaning agents intended to kill germs.
  • Added to the number of stations where passengers and employees can access free hand sanitizer. 

In addition, we urge anyone coming to ONT for travel or to work to wash their hands with soap regularly for at least 20 seconds, utilize our hand sanitizer stations and cough and sneeze into their elbow, all simple steps effective to avoid contracting or transmitting common colds and flu. Of course, employees who feel sick should not come to work.

We take matters related to the safety and well-being of air passengers and airport employees seriously, and we will remain vigilant in our continuing efforts to minimize the spread of germs that might be harmful.

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About Ontario International Airport

Ontario International Airport (ONT) is the fastest growing airport in the United States, according to Global Traveler, a leading publication for frequent fliers. Located in the Inland Empire, ONT is approximately 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles in the center of Southern California. It is a full-service airport with nonstop commercial jet service to 26 major airports in the U.S., Mexico and Taiwan, and connecting service to many domestic and international destinations. There is an average of 72 daily departures offered by nine air carriers. More information is available at Follow @flyONT on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

About the Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA)

The OIAA was formed in August 2012 by a Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Ontario and the County of San Bernardino to provide overall direction for the management, operations, development and marketing of ONT for the benefit of the Southern California economy and the residents of the airport's four-county catchment area. OIAA Commissioners are Ontario City Council Member Alan D. Wapner (President), Retired Riverside Mayor Ronald O. Loveridge (Vice President), Ontario City Council Member Jim W. Bowman (Secretary), San Bernardino County Supervisor Curt Hagman (Commissioner) and retired business executive Julia Gouw (Commissioner).